Monday, February 21, 2011

Teach Me English: Part Two ... Review

Most of part two is in the classroom where the main character, Yeong Ju (as we find out) doesn't want to pick and English nickname. The Aussie teacher gives the naughty boy the name Elvis (I don't know if I would have named him that...); she seems to be affected by his charm (don't fall for it teach! or perhaps she just sees him as a little kid). Well, she did call them all kids, which offended them on the first day. I don't really know how they are learning, I would be petrified if I was in that class.

A compliment to the director, I really enjoyed the video interview style of some of the students as they gave their reason for studying and their nickname.

Later, Yeong Ju is playing a Korean game (which I've seen in other movies, but don't know what it is called) with her family. Poor plain Yeong Ju, I have a feeling this is a ugly duckling tale, but I could be wrong, Korean movies tend to not be...normal.. kkkk

Dude, Elvis! Stop hitting on your teacher!!!! I would be so embarrassed and uncomfortable! I hope nothing like this happens when I teach in Korea..well especially if I am teaching kids!! kkkk

Yeong Ju finally picks an English name (Candy) but then states, "I should have called myself Normal" because everyone laughed. I feel bad for her, she is a bit stubborn but sweet and cute. It seems as Cathy (Aussie teacher) doesn't even show her much compassion :-( I'm looking for the change in attitude part of the movie, where everyone sees her in a new light and she even sees herself differently. She is right though, she does seem to have bad luck.... now she loses her shoe to a closing elevator door, dia triste! BUT guess who is there when she retrieves it? Yup, good ole Elvis (more like creepy dude). And then he does the thing that I've had done to me a few shocking times (from my Korean guy friends), he helps her put on her shoe...hmm, I sense player (wait I already knew that) or is he actually being sincere? hmmm... intriguing..kkkk Candy, size 5, DON'T FALL FOR IT!

End note: is that traditional Korean dance, cuz I could totally do that (the older ladies dance, not the fan dance) I'm just saying, it looks doable.

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