Sunday, February 20, 2011

Teach Me English: Part One ... Review

I've come to the conclusion that if a Korean movie starts with a cartoon and narration it's going to be a pretty funny movie. This one's intro is awesome, I already like the girl and I haven't seen her in "real life." I love her (and everyone she works with) reluctance to learn English.

Everyone's obsessed with English.
What's wrong with being born in Korea
and just knowing Korean?

Hmm.. that is a good point she brings up. I've talked to a few of my Korean friends about the topic of English and what they think. Maybe it's because all my friends can speak English, but they all agreed that it's a good idea for Koreans to learn it. Their main reason is for acquiring a job and future success, even if they never step foot outside Korea. They could all think of people they know that are not interested in learning English. I don't blame them, learning a foreign language is frustrating at times. I personally don't care if someone doesn't want to learn English, but I have a strong desire to want to be able to communicate with anybody...hmm, maybe I will just have to learn more languages... Korean is hard enough kkkk, I better get my butt into gear and start practicing more.

Back to the movie- her workmates play spin the bottle to see who will learn English, and then she writes on her application "Spin the Bottle" for What brought you here? kkkkk soooo hilarious! I do like the Aussie girl;-) even though she is kinda rude to the guy (she's got a great accent).

I LOVE how they represent the test as a Mortal Kombat game... and the guy (who can only hit on girls in English) !!!!? He is crazy! haha. I'm glad she kicked his butt!

So far so good, only the first ten minutes and I've laughed several times... this movie looks promising.

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