Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Teach Me English: Part Six ... Review

Why did she just eat a page out of the dictionary?! Then what was she doing? Trying to not throw up? Yup, that's right jumping on the bed is the way to relieve nausea... that's what my grandmother always told me too.

Way to go Yeong Ju for making the people around you speak English, it will help you a lot:-) Yo yo yo what up Mommy... I would be like the mom and just use charades as my main way of communication.

Oh! It's so sad that Elvis' mother is tormented by giving up her daughter, but it's cute that he really wants to be able to talk to her and be a brother to her. Well, he's just mad, I'm sure he really wants to meet her. I mean, he has a picture of her in his wallet (and she is really cute).

End note: I love not just that Yeong Ju runs past him but the way that she runs, she looks like a golden retriever running to its master.

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