Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Teach Me English: Part Five ... Review

Opening scene: bar... synopsis: drinking... prediction: oh oh! Well, it isn't as bad as I though it would turn out. Elvis and Cathy dance.. oh, and he actually can tap dance, funny that. But, as usual, he starts molesting her, ick!! Why does she put up with that? Yeong Ju's spying is interrupted by Tony, who asks her if she is drunk and needs a ride home but then he is the one who passes out on the table (I was confused).

Besides jealousy I don't know why Candy is so mean to Cathy, I'm sure she doesn't enjoy getting groped by her student. But people have killed for less.... so I've heard. She goes to apologize for headbutted her teacher and leaving a beauty on her forehead (don't you people know, nobody wins with a headbutt..well unless you are a sheep.. or a horse.. you get the point). She never does say, "I'm sorry".... BUT then! they become friends?! Well, that's good, I was waiting for that, because I didn't want to pick sides. Then, Tyson shows up with a pizza for Cathy (how do all these students know where she lives?) ahuh! She likes him:-)

kkkkk, good girl Cathy, putting Candy and Elvis together as partners.... Hey, I think you can say "that's okay" as a response to "thank you." ...idk

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