Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Teach Me English: Part Seven ... Review

One O'Clock in the morning?! and she comes running like a puppy dog. Then she shares her amazing dream with him...kkkkk. I do have to say that the non Korean actors in this movie are by far the best that I've seen in a Korean movie. Hey, that was a legit question... why would someone like 007 movies? haha... they are okay but favorite status? I don't know. Every great movie needs an Arnold quote, this scene has the most infamous one. OMG, his dream...kkk, I laughed when she muttered to herself "how'd you get that one wrong?"

There he goes leading her on and then breaking her heart... Why do guys do that, they are jerks! haha, well, I've never experienced that (maybe I'm the one who's lead men on..ooops, sorry) Why does she act drunk now? She is so funny... in her defense, volleyball nets are hard to see in the dark and heartbreak can impair judgment.

Ending line: "My grandfather has a famous pig" haha! I wonder where this is going?

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