Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Teach Me English: Part Four ... Review

Classic mistake by girls all over the world... getting drunk. I love where the conversation goes on the bus. Elvis wants to profess his love in English? whatever! Korean is not corny, in fact I melt when I hear it. If you say 사랑해 to me, babe, you are speaking my love language. While I don't think "I love you" is ugly or anything and I love hearing it, I just don't see how it trumps the smooth beautiful sound when said in hangul. kkkk! "I am not Normal" hahaha there is another meaning to that one girlie? Screaming from a roof, yeah, people will think you are not normal.

Awwwww!!!! A twist in the plot! Elvis (or should I say Park Moon Su) is learning English for his sister who was adopted to American parents? so cute! Hmm, English speaking posture, no wonder no one around here speaks English well anymore;-)

I Love Bacteria!!!!!

No romantic comedy would be complete without the chase scene... I was like "no way!!!" when the bus driver was scared into following Elvis' cab just because she is a public official. One of those "do you know who I am" moments, that actually works. The poor hostage on the bus, what would you do if that was you? I'd probably just go along for the ride, cry to myself if I had somewhere to be or daydream and enjoy the adventure if my night was free.

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