Saturday, July 16, 2011

Getting to Korea

Hey ya'll what's up? kkkk It seems to have taken awhile to get my Korean working visa and even now I do not yet have it. However, I will soon be signing a contract to the school I wanted to work for Suyu English Village and will be mailing all my paperwork to them in order to be issued a number. Once I get this number I can have an interview at the Korean Consulate in Chicago. So what was so rough up until now? Well you see in order to get a visa you will need two things from the US government. The first being a FBI background check, that's pretty standard. Once you get that back you need to have it get an apostille certificate for both the FBI check and your degree. So we (my sister and I) overnighted those two documents to the Dept of State in DC. Weeks after the usual 15 days for apostilles we had to get our State Rep involved to finally get our documents back. The kicker was that they did not process our degrees because it's a State issued document and therefore needed to be sent to our Secretary of State. Thankfully that was quite quick. Our start date was meant to be July 25 but that will not be happening now. I will have to see what our employer thinks would be a good start date now, I'm guessing it will be August 8... I really don't want it to be any later than that. Anyone out there looking into working overseas? Start the visa process really really early ;-)

Soon Korea, I will be there soon!

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