Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why I'm Busy

So lately I have not been able to post on here very often (haha, not that anyone really reads this blog...atm I have one follower..hmm, my sister, ahaaha). Well, the reason is that I am taking a TESOL course in Chicago and am gone from 6:30am until 9:00pm every weekday. It is tiring and a lot of work, but it has also been so much fun! I can tell that I have already learned so much and only in one week! It is super intense because it is only for a month. In the morning we receive instruction from our Ukrainian instructor (don't worry, his English is good). In the afternoon we prepare for our lessons, then at 3 we teach our class and observe each others' teaching. I've taught twice so far and have seen how awful of a teacher I am (haha), but I'm improving slowly. There are three Koreans in the class and I've tried to say a few Korean words to them. I think I really impressed them when I played CN Blue in class, wahaha. There are also a group of Turkish guys who are absolutely hilarious. There is a girl from Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and China; and there is a guy from Hungary and Colombia. On Friday a new kid showed up, J. He is basically fluent in English, making it more challenging to teach the class when he is always answering all the questions. But, he is a good kid and funny, he told me that his family is from China but that he went to high school in Korea at an international school. Let's see how I survive the next three weeks;-)

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