Thursday, February 24, 2011

Teach Me English: Part Nine ... Review

Oh... and here is the part of every drama or romantic comedy... the misunderstanding. Poor Yeong Ju thinks that Moon Su's little sister is his love. Now she wants to give up... I always wonder in movies at this part why the person never just asks whats up. It's frustrating but I can see times in my life where I was quick to jump to conclusions. I'm sure we have all done the same thing, and even worse it is never cleared up like it is in the movies. Real life is way harsher than any movie.

Side note: I'm listening to CN Blue's Sweet Holiday as I type this... *Sigh* I love Jung Yong Hwa's amazing voice! I also give the band props for playing their own instruments. This song will be another post ;-)

Anyways.. back to the point of this blog entry.. hahum.. sad time for poor Elvis, he misses his partner and we all know he misses the girl he loves (well at least likes a lot). There Yeong Ju goes on again on her anti English rant in her workplace... and then Cathy shows up at her place to ask her to come back to class... hahaha!! Yeah Teach! You headbutt her right back... what did I tell you, nobody wins..nobody.

Yay! Candy shows up at class, I guess headbutts work after all. Harsh words.. harsh. Now she is the heartbreaker, all because of a misunderstanding.. sad. Yup, you are right, you were bad! Ahhh!! Moon Sus everywhere! He tries to give her the red shoes he bought her, but! he forgot her size!

And the plot thickens....

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