Friday, February 25, 2011

Teach Me English: Part Eleven ... Review

Hey, if she was walking down the street in Australia without shoes no one would look twice. Korea has a thing about always wearing shoes and then always taking them off inside and wearing slippers.. well, at least their carpets would stay cleaner and their feet for that matter. But, I do like a good game of ultimate frisbee barefoot... I won't be able to do that when I live in Korea:-( oh well. To top it off she sees the pole coming and inevitably runs into it.

Cue sad song. Yeong Ju's "one sided love is over." Just wait little girl, he'll come for you.

What did I say? He came and embarrassed the crap out of you, like any loving person would do because he is crazy in love with you. Don't try the "I'm sleeping, I swear" (I've tried that many times.. it has worked though, hahaha... I mean no I really was sleeping). Look, he is putting on your red size 5.. I mean size 6 shoe.

Yeah! Like I said, "love" sounds better in Korean;-) hahaha.. popo (kiss) I learned that one awhile ago.. you never know when that may come in handy. What? Where are the old grandmas to slap the young couple displaying any public affection when you need them? Why is everyone clapping? Awkward...kkkkk.

Fast forward I guess.. they've got a kid.. I've seen cuter.. what? I have and I'm a huge fan of Korean babies, can't wait to have one someday.

Ending line: "She wet herself again" kkkkk

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