Sunday, February 13, 2011

Song of the Week: 2NE1 "아파"

Of all the girl groups out there in Kpop, 2NE1 is one of my favorites and "Appa" is one of my new fave songs. While the song is very catchy and repeats one of the cutest Korean words (which is the only part I can sing along with.. well besides the one English line), the video is a bit weird. They seem to be dressed up as witches... sad witches kkkkkk. While the girls already have nicknames we also gave Park Bom the name Berklee girl, I enjoy her blue-green hair in this mv. Still, my favorite has to be CL, although those contacts and that hairdo is a bit of a fright.

The song is about a lost love.... something I can't relate to, neither can I relate to emo witch fashionistas...kk but its a great song nonetheless.

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